
Phone 0117 924 8662, Monday-Friday, 9:30am-4:30pm

Phone 0117 924 8662, Monday-Friday, 9:30am-4:30pm

A new CEO for the Law Centre

Karen is an experienced charity leader and has now worked at Bristol Law Centre for nearly 7 years, as CEO for nearly 4 years. Her background is across many sectors working in strategic, evidence-based communications & management, and she brings all of those skills to the free legal advice sector. Bristol Law Centre has been in the city since the 1970s and continues to be at the forefront of providing access to justice for social welfare issues. Access to justice is probably more at risk now than it ever has been, across all the areas of law the Centre covers including immigration & asylum, discrimination, benefits and housing. The Law Centre works with numerous funders, partners and community groups to keep fighting against deepening inequality – by providing specialist legal advice, signposting, information & guidance.