
Phone 0117 924 8662, Monday-Friday, 9:30am-4:30pm

Phone 0117 924 8662, Monday-Friday, 9:30am-4:30pm

Your legal costs may already be covered

If you have house or car insurance, it often includes cover to pay for legal advice. This means you can afford a lawyer and if you choose an expert in employment law, you’ll get the best result.

Bristol Law Centre is a leading specialist in discrimination and employment law

We give expert advice – face-to-face or by phone – to help you get fair treatment at work.
We’ll help you take your case to the Employment Tribunal if necessary.
We care. We’ll support and guide you every step of the way.

What is Legal Expenses Insurance?

Millions of people in the UK have Legal Expenses Insurance included within their standard house or car insurance policies, as well as some bank accounts. Bristol Law Centre can advise on how to access this cover and the strength of your case. We’re a charity and our aim is to make work a fairer place.

Find out if you are covered and how we can help

Contact us here


Advice agencies please scroll down the page for referral info & downloads (or click here)

Referral agencies

If you are an advice agency with a client from the SW England/S Wales area, you can probably refer them to us for employment legal advice – just take a quick look at the referral flow chart. A referral form is available to download and then send through to us. Any questions just call us.

If you are from elsewhere in the country and interested in using LEI please get in touch anyway and we can direct you to somewhere more local to you.

You can also download and print/share the poster, leaflet and video – to hep raise awareness. .

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